Mohammad Miftakhus Sholikin bio photo

Mohammad Miftakhus Sholikin

Adeg-adeg anteb.

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Profil - Mohammad Miftakhus Sholikin

A. Pekerjaan

2022 - Sekarang Periset di BRIN (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)

B. Pendidikan

2012 - 2017 Sarjana peternakan di IPB University

2017 - 2019 Magister sains di IPB University

2018 - 2021 Doktor di IPB University

C. Organisasi

2020 - 2022 Anggota dari AFENUE (Animal Feed and Nutrition Modelling Research Group)

2022 Anggota dari PPI (Perhimpunan Periset Indonesia)

D. Kepribadian

2020 INTJ-A: Introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging, & assertive

1994 - sekarang Moto hidup: Santai, Serius, dan Sukses a.k.a 3S

E. Penghargaan

26 Juli 2017 Lulusan terbaik sarjana di tingkat fakultas peternakan IPB pada wisuda tahap ke-8

25 September 2019 Lulusan terbaik magister pada wisuda tahap ke-1

30 Juni 2021 Lulusan terbaik doktor pada wisuda tahap ke-6

F. Kemampuan dan Keterampilan

1. Grafika

gimp inkscape Desain logo, media promosi, dan rekayasa foto

2. Kepakaran

proksimat a. Analisis kualitas bahan dan produk pakan

brill® b. Formulasi, analisis, dan pengembangan produk pakan

rekayasa molekuler c. Pembuatan dan pengembangan aditif pakan

3. Kepenulisan

libreoffice Pembuatan proposal, laporan, publikasi, dan audit

4. Statistika

bioconductor biopython a. Bioinformatika

orange Keras R neuralnet R nnet b. Jaringan syaraf tiruan

R nlm R lme4 c. Meta-analisis

R leaflet GDAL d. Pemetaan

R SDMR R stats e. Pemodelan empiris dan dinamis

R stats f. Rancangan percobaan dan analisis statistik

G. Minat

1. Penelitian

bioinformatics machine learning peptida Cek ke-profil

2. Programming and hacking

Python django a. Aplikasi website

bash ubuntu lxd-kali b. Linux addict

nmap lxd-kali metasploit c. Pentest

Ruby Jekyll d. Website statis

H. Kolaborasi proyek saat ini



  • Dr Danung Nur Adli, SPt MSi (Unibraw)
    • Aditif probiotik pada ayam petelur dan kelinci
    • Aditif bioaktif peptida pada babi
    • Suplementasi serat pada angsa








  • Dr Sadarman, SPt MSc (UIN Suska)
    • Aditif vita plus pada broiler
    • Aditif peptida antimikroba pada babi
    • Aditif propolis pada broiler


  • Dr Teguh Wahyono, SPt MSi (Batan atau BRIN)
    • Aditif urea pada domba
    • Aditif tanin pada produk biohidrogenasi asam lemak: studi kasus in vitro dan in vivo



I. Publikasi

Tersedia di Mohammad Miftakhus Sholikin scholar

Artikel ilmiah

2022 Effect of vitamin E supplementation on chicken sperm quality: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2022.419-426

2022 Effects of urea supplementation on ruminal fermentation characteristics, nutrient intake, digestibility, and performance in sheep: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2022.331-340

2022 Effect of using peptide as a replacement of antibiotic growth promoters on pigs: A systematic review and meta-regression. doi: no doi

2022 Modulatory effects of dietary tannins on polyunsaturated fatty acids biohydrogenation in the rumen: A meta-analysis. doi: no doi

2021 Propolis supplementation on broiler chicken performances, nutrient digestibility, and carcass characteristics: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.5398/tasj.2021.44.4.425

2021 Propolis supplementation affects performance, intestinal morphology, and bacterial population of broiler chickens. doi: 10.4314/sajas.v51i4.8

2021 Effect of dietary black cumin seed (Nigella sativa) on performance, immune status, and serum metabolites of small ruminants: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2021.106521

2021 A meta-analysis of antimicrobial peptide effects on intestinal bacteria, immune response, and antioxidant activity of broilers. doi: 10.5398/tasj.2021.44.2.188

2021 Effect of dietary tannins on the performance, lymphoid organ weight, and amino acid ileal digestibility of broiler chickens: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2021.1405-1411

2021 Antimicrobial peptides as an additive in broiler chicken nutrition: A meta-analysis of bird performance, nutrient digestibility and serum metabolites. doi: 10.22358/jafs/136400/2021

2021 The effects of probiotics on the performance, egg quality and blood parameters of laying hens: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.22358/jafs/133432/2021

2021 Influence of different forms of flavonoid on growth performance and gut morphology of broiler: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/1098/6/062024

2021 Effects of dietary flavonoids on performance, blood constituents, carcass composition and small intestinal morphology of broilers: A meta-analysis. doi: 10.5713/ajas.20.0379

2021 A meta-analysis of the effect of antimicrobial peptide purity on the growth performance, dry matter digestibility, and intestinal morphology of broiler. doi: 10.17582/journal.aavs/2021/9.6.869.878

2021 The effects of mixed vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids supplementation into drinking water on broiler chickens’ performance and carcass traits. doi: 10.36380/jwpr.2021.7

2020 Evaluation of linear models and linear mixed models to predict the effects of antimicrobial peptides on broiler performance. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012002

2020 Evaluate non-linear model logistic, gompertz, and weibull: study case on calcium and phosphor requirements of laying hen. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/478/1/012016

2019 Artificial neural network model to predict crude protein and crude fiber from physical properties of feedstuffs. doi: 10.1088/1755-1315/372/1/012049

2019 Optimization of the Hermetia illucens larvae extraction process with response surface modelling and its amino acid profile and antibacterial activity. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/546/6/062030

2019 Potential fatty acid composition of Hermetia illucens oil reared on different substrates. doi: 10.1088/1757-899X/546/6/062002

2017 Lowering chitin content of cricket (Gryllus assimilis) through exoskeleton removal and chemical extraction and its utilization as a ruminant feed in vitro. doi: 10.3923/pjbs.2017.523.529


Update terakhir: Maret 2022